Keeping Office Water Coolers Clean

coolerclean1A few months ago, a survey conducted in Scotland showed that a worrying percentage of both office water coolers and water coolers in general had bacterial contamination due to the fact that businesses and organizations had failed to regularly sanitize them and that staff members were using the water coolers in such a way that made them vulnerable to such contamination.

It seems many people think that purchasing a water cooler simply involves paying for it and having it installed, but forget that it also- and most crucially-needs to be regularly cleaned. Of course you can call out technicians at any point if ever you experience a problem with your cooler, but you must also take into account that your cooler can’t clean itself.

So problem or no, it is down to the buyer to insure that they have their water cooler sanitized and maintained on a very regular basis- for bottleless water coolers, this should be every six months or so as the filters need changing. The Water Cooler Company offers a wide variety of water cooler maintenance packages which can take this issue away from you.

Neglecting to do this could lead to all manner of health problems. With the threat of swine flu leering its ugly head, it certainly wouldn’t be a good idea to take such risks with your health.

Robert Laughton

Robert Laughton

Rob Laughton is an established part of the UK water industry and has business interests in drinking water products.

He is actively involved in the self-regulatory associations which work to keep strict standards within the UK water industry.

His related water businesses are listed on and include The Water Delivery Company - Londons' largest independent plumbed water cooler supplier.

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