Posts Tagged ‘Plumbed in Water Cooler’


Summer Cold Blues and your Plumbed in Water Cooler

Whatever your plans for the summer months, there is nothing that thwarts them quite like a stinking summer cold. A runny nose, puffy eyes and a lack of sense of smell/taste really does put a dampener on things. If you find yourself tucked up in bed feeling sorry for yourself, take comfort in the fact […]

Scouts keep their Cool in America

The National Scout Jamboree is something pretty special for all those dib dib dibbers and dob dob dobbers across the United States, as thousands gather on an army base, to celebrate the history of the association, and the ways in which it’s helped so many young people pick up life skills and have a great […]

Plumbed in Water Cooler is Malaria Safe house

Here at The Water Cooler Company, we pride ourselves on many things, including our customer service, and the ways in which we keep up to date with each and every plumbed in water cooler we supply to businesses and homes in and around London. Ordering new accessories, such as cups and cup dispensers, can be […]

Plumbed in water coolers Subject to Cuts in Hospitals

We’re all more than aware of the cuts that have been made in recent months, across the public sector, to help rectify the effects of the recession on the UK, and worldwide. For many, this has unfortunately meant being made redundant, and for others, changes have been made to their office environment, such as cutting […]

The Water Cooler Company Office goes Live

We know that even with our beautiful website, and our weekly blog all about the wonderful plumbed in water cooler, some of our dedicated readers and fans still want to know more about the daily goings on in and around the office of The Water Cooler Company. To those special people, we can gladly say […]

Plumbed in Water Cooler stops play for Saints Star

We can safely say that any plumbed in water cooler we supply here at The Water Cooler Company are not hazardous. That is, unless one gets outraged and kicks the unit, thus potentially putting one at risk of causing damage to one’s toe or foot area. Sadly, this is exactly what happened to one American […]

Child-proof taps for your plumbed in water cooler

One of the things we pride ourselves on here at The Water Cooler Company is that we can (and do) provide coolers, chillers, and hot taps for people all over the country, in residential addresses and for businesses. Part of this is our wonderful customer service and follow-up care that we offer once you’re a […]

Things That Come from your Plumbed In Water Cooler

There are many reasons we love water; the energy it gives us, how it makes our skin feel lovely and clean and bright, the ways in which is quenches our thirst so perfectly without pumping us full of sugar or additives, as is the case with so many drinks on the market these days. We […]

Pimp My Plumbed in Water Cooler

Here at The Water Cooler Company, we know that each plumbed in water cooler we send out to our clients is beautifully suave and sophisticated, perfect for people of the same ilk. We love their shiny covers, their gloriously bright taps, let alone the stunning drinking water that comes out of them. We also know […]

Fishermen saved by their on-board Watercooler

At the end of last month we heard an incredible story survival, of people fighting to stay alive and overcoming the odds- partly thanks to their on-board water cooler. The three friends from Florida, who had left for a fishing trip on 16th May, found themselves in trouble when three huge waves hit their boat […]

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