Posts Tagged ‘Office water cooler’


Too much chat at the water cooler?

The office water cooler is renowned for being the hub for office gossip and menial chats about nothing. But have your employees taken things a little too far? Are you finding your staff members are gone from their desks for long periods of time, then once you start to look for them you find them at […]

A great “office water cooler” drama from Joshua Ferris

It’s 10:30am. The clock is ticking ever-so-slowly. Judy in HR is fluttering around, trying to get your attention about something or other, but you’re unfortunately distracted by Russell from design and marketing babbing EXTREMELY loudly about some menial event. Again. Time for a little away time. Time for a break at the office water cooler. […]

Bosses supply employees with illegal office water coolers

It has been recently been reported that British bosses may not be providing their employees with water that is safe for them to drink out of their office water cooler. Some suppliers in the UK are not accredited by the Water Regulation Advisory Scheme, which ensures that the components used and installed by the company […]

Office water cooler chat: what would happen if…

You and your workmate have a great time at work. You opt to be part of the same project as often as possible. You spend time together after work at dinner or just having drinks, and of course have a cheeky gossip at the office water cooler whenever you get the chance. You are too peas […]

Office Water Coolers- Staying Happy in the Office

Offices can be depressing places, but taking time out and making regular excursions to the nearest Office Water Cooler, could make all the difference between a productive and counter productive work ethic. As the Water Cooler Company knows only too well, is vital to stay happy and positive in the work place. Work shouldn’t be […]

Keeping Office Water Coolers Clean

A few months ago, a survey conducted in Scotland showed that a worrying percentage of both office water coolers and water coolers in general had bacterial contamination due to the fact that businesses and organizations had failed to regularly sanitize them and that staff members were using the water coolers in such a way that made […]

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