The One Foundation: Cleaning Water Worldwide

water sanitation charityEnsuring everyone has access to clean water is an issue of great importance to us at The Water Cooler Company, and we celebrate the successes of projects such as this one from The One Foundation.

Using a ‘like-for-like’ concept to raise money for their charitable projects, The One Foundation donates 100% of profits from its water products sold, such as its bottled water, to the most vulnerable communities in the poorest countries. With the money raised by the sales of these products, One has been able to change the lives of over 1.5 million people across many countries in Africa by setting them up with stable access to clean water. They have built a variety of rope pumps, treadle pumps and hand pumps, as well as using a technique of rainwater harvesting, in order to provide people with water to drink, wash with and grow crops with. This also means that many children have been saved the gruelling journey of walking for hours to collect water and having the same journey back with their heavy load. These children can instead go to school and get an education, and entire communities have been given freedom and the ability to be more self-sufficient.

The Water Cooler Company hopes to see continued success for The One Foundation and other projects working to improve standards of drinking water access in the most impoverished areas.

Kayleigh Clerkin

Kayleigh Clerkin

Kayleigh Clerkin is a part-time journalist who writes articles for Drinking Waters UK - one of the UK's largest suppliers of drinking water products including water fountains, water coolers, water filters, distilled water and spring water. Add me to your Google+ circles.

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