The Future of the Mains-fed Industry (Part 2)

Having an awareness of the public perception perspective on the benefits of water coolers is the third area the industry needs to prioritise, and Anderton believes the industry is doing this by becoming more price-focused.


Growth has proved a challenge for the water cooler industry. However, Anderton points to significant gains in Eastern Europe, as well as increased demand from the US, as opportunities for the water cooler industry to continue developing.


He says that there can be growth opportunities for both the bottled water and mains-fed water cooler systems, with mains-fed water coolers showing particular growth across the European market, especially as the system of choice for larger organisations.


The Water Cooler Company has a well-established relationship with EDWCA, and we are excited about the positive and optimistic predictions James Anderton has made about the future of mains-fed water coolers and about the water cooler industry as a whole.

Glyn Richards

Glyn Richards

Glyn has been a water cooler technician and expert for over 10 years. If you have a question or want to connect with Glyn you should add him to your Google+ circles or comment below this article and he wil respond to you.

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