Water Cooler Jokes – Part 2

Due to the outstanding success of our very first installment of “Water Cooler Jokes” we’ve decided to come back with more, yes it’s water cooler jokes – part 2, because there’s never enough jokes to keep you all entertained whilst you’re standing around the office water cooler is there?!

Try out one of these beauties next time you go to fill up your water bottle at the cooler.

Your workmates will be doubled over with laughter after hearing these jokes!

Joke Number One
Once there was a church that had a bell that no one could ring. One day, a boy came and asked the priest if he could try. So the boy went up into the tower and ran straight into the bell, face-first. The bell tolled loud and clear. The shocked priest gave him the job. But one Sunday, he ran straight toward the bell with his face and missed and fell off the tower and died. “Congregation,” the priest said before the assembled masses. “Does anybody know this boy’s name? Because I don’t know him, but his face rings a bell.”

Joke Number Two (Keep this one up your sleeve for Halloween)
What do you get when you divide the circumference of your jack-o-lantern by its diameter? Pumpkin Pi!

Joke Number Three
A judge was punishing three men because they had committed a crime. Their sentence was a few years in the desert. He said that they could each take one thing with them. The first guy decides to take an umbrella, so that he can have shade whenever he wants. The second guy decides to take a water bottle so that he won’t get thirsty. Finally, the third guy decides to take a car door. The judge asked, “Why in the world would you want to take a car door?” The man replies, “Just in case it gets hot, I can roll down the window.”

Stay tuned for the next installment of Water Cooler jokes!

Robert Laughton

Robert Laughton

Rob Laughton is an established part of the UK water industry and has business interests in drinking water products.

He is actively involved in the self-regulatory associations which work to keep strict standards within the UK water industry.

His related water businesses are listed on www.drinkingwaters.co.uk and include The Water Delivery Company - Londons' largest independent plumbed water cooler supplier.

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